Finding it hard to navigate the blooming field of fetal (and neonatal) brain MRI research, I summarize here some very useful tools for performing data processing and analysis.

Software/Tool name Tasks Data type Link
Visualization and edition 👀
ITK Snap MRI visualization and segmentation Multiple formats, e.g. nifti, DICOM...
Kitware Glance Web application for object visualization Multiple formats, e.g. .vtk, .vtp...
MRICron MRI visualization & DICOM to Nifti conversion Multiple formats, e.g. nifti, DICOM...
Freeview (Included in Freesurfer) MRI and surface visualisation Multiple formats
Paraview Objects visualization and edition (images, meshes, glyphs...) Multiple formats, e.g. .vtk, .vtp...
Slicer 3D Images visualization, edition and segmentation .nii
MeshLab A comprehensive tool for editing meshes .ply, .stl
Quality ⭐
fetal-brain-assessment Fetal MRI Quality Assessment Fetal MRI
FetMRQC Fetal MRI quality assessment and control Fetal MRI
Volume reconstruction 🧊
NiftyMIC Brain extraction, super-resolution brain volume reconstruction, reorientation in standard radiological anatomical planes Fetal MRI
MIAL SRTK Brain extraction, super-resolution brain volume reconstruction, reorientation in standard radiological anatomical planes Fetal MRI
SVRTK Super-resolution volume reconstruction (including brain, body, heart, and placenta) Fetal MRI
BTK Super-resolution brain volume reconstruction, brain reorientation Fetal MRI
PVR Super-resolution brain volume reconstruction Fetal MRI
NeSVor Super-resolution brain volume reconstruction Fetal MRI
Brain segmentation ✂️
MONAIfbs Fetal brain extraction Fetal MRI
Fetal brain seg Fetal brain extraction Fetal MRI
Trustworthy AI Fetal brain segmentation Fetal MRI
CasReg Fetal brain segmentation Fetal MRI
Uncertainty-Guided Interactive Refinement for Segmentation Fetal brain segmentation Fetal MRI
FetalCPseg Cortical plate segmentation Fetal MRI
Fetal MRI segmentation Cortical plate segmentation Fetal MRI
Brainbox Collaborative manual segmentation Any brain MRI
Cortical surface extraction 🧠
dHCP structural pipeline Structural analysis including segmentation and cortical surface extraction Neonatal brain MRI (T1 & T2)
Perinatal pipeline Built on the dHCP pipeline. Super-resolution reconstruction, tissue segmentation Fetal and neonatal brain MRI (T1 & T2)
M-CRIBS pipeline Freesurfer-like pipeline for tissue segmentation and cortical surface extraction Neonatal brain MRI (T1 & T2)
Infant FreeSurfer Segmentation and surface extraction T1 infant MRI
MIRTK Segmentation and surface extraction T1 adult and neonatal MRI
structural-pipeline-measures Volume and cortical surface measurements Neonatal brain MRI (T1 & T2)